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6979 Short Ln
Gloucester Courthouse, VA, 23061
United States

Dealing in custom leather, wood, and metal work, Diomedes Industries is a small business focused on the products of an artisan intent on producing quality goods for discerning customers. 

3.5" Lined Sheath with Sunburst Dye

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3.5" Lined Sheath with Sunburst Dye

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3.5" Lined Sheath with Sunburst Dye


A variant of my 3.5” sheath, this sheath is fully lined with cowskin and carefully airbrushed with three different shades of color fast dye to build a sunburst pattern. This is known to fit many 3.5” blade knives including many by Fiddleback Forge - such as:

  • Fiddleback Forge Hiking Buddy

    1. Fiddleback Forge Bushcrafter Jr.

    2. Fiddleback Forge Bushnub II

    3. Fiddleback Forge Bushboot

    4. Fiddleback Forge Minimuk

    5. Fiddleback Forge Monarch

    6. Fiddleback Forge (F2) Fish and Foul

    7. Fiddleback Forge Gambler

    8. Fiddleback Forge Elf

    9. Fiddleback Forge Handyman

    10. Fiddleback Forge Warthawg

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